Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire – Movie Review

It hasn’t been a great year for blockbuster movies, or for beloved action franchises, but along comes director Zack Snyder, with his big-budget space-opera based on a rejected Star Wars movie idea, and I didn’t really know what to expect. First off, I am an established fan of Snyder’s, having loved 300, liked Watchmen, Sucker…

Summer Movie Catch-up 2018

Now that summer is in full-swing, it’s time to catch all the big-budget blockbusters making their way to the theatres, right? Well, I don’t know if every movie these days is worth its weight in ticket-sales. So, between movie-going, I’m going to take some time to catch up (in the comfort of my  living room)…

The Liebster Award

Thanks to YoungCinemaBuffs for the nomination RULES • Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog. • Answer the questions given by the nominator. • Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers, and link them. • Notify all the bloggers you nominate. • Create 11 new questions for your nominees…

Man of Steel – Movie Review

This umpteenth retelling of the Superman story had a whole lot going for it. Directed by Zack Snyder (one of my favourite directors, despite his penchant for stylish and flashy visuals over dramatic substance) and written by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer (two of the men behind the highly successfully and recently concluded Batman…

40 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Films for 2013 (part 1)

As I mentioned previously, 2013 is chock full of sci-fi and fantasy movies. Many of last year’s trends are continuing, including fairy tale retelling or reinventions, vampires and supernatural romance, those ubiquitous super-hero movies, and even a new category in the mix: the scorched Earth movie. There are many many 2013 movie lists that you…

Sucker Punch – Movie Review

Why does everyone hate Sucker Punch? Was it the giant samurai robots toting artillery guns? Was it the WWI steampunk German zombies? Was it the fire-breathing dragons or the armies of orcs? Or was it the emphasis on over-the-top, stylized visuals over a bleak and irrelevant storyline? Does anyone really care about the depressing fable…

Legends of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole – Movie Review

Can they really produce an epic fantasy featuring owls? I was amazed that the answer is a resounding Yes. There were so many things that turned me off watching this movie (and I think a lot of people are in the same prejudicial boat). First, the title is ridiculously impossible to say without quizzical looks:…

2009 Hits and Misses: Movies

I probably say the same thing every year. Despite the fact that I see 30+ movies in the theatre (which is only 2.5 movies per month, so not really that much), they continue to disappoint me. Many of the ones I intended to see got such mediocre reviews that I decided not to go (I’m…

Watchmen — Movie review

In the geek universe, there is no more anticipated film this year than Watchmen. The complex story is set in an alternate 1980s where someone is killing off costumed superheroes, an omnipotent nuclear man wrestles with his humanity, and the world lies at the brink of Armageddon. Adapting the widely-acclaimed graphic novel masterpiece to the…